
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Evan's Orchard - Fall 2013

The last weekend in September we went to our friend Mia's birthday party at Evan's Orchard. It was a great place for a birthday and we had a fabulous time!
Mia and Kennedy are such good pals! :) They do gymnastics together and live around and also live in the same neighborhood as us. I'm sure these two will be best friends for years to come! :)
 Reagan adores Miss Addison (and so does Jackson who says Addison is his best friend). She is such al little sweetheart! :)
 Tim was busy with the government's fiscal year end closing so Grammy and Grand-Dad came with us to the orchard to help out with my crew. Thank you so much!!! :)
 My sweet McKinley (7 months old)
 Two of my favorite girls :)
 Jackson and Grammy sure love each other! :)
 Grand-Dad with his sweet Missy K
 Miss Reagan isn't too big to sit on Grand-Dad's lap yet! :)
 I can't believe how big these two are getting!
 Creative photography by Grand-Dad - so cute!!! :)
  Acrobat in the making?
 Jackson loved the fresh apples at the orchard
 Grammy let the kids pick out their pumpkins and Jackson did his best to pick his up all by himself. :)
 Miss McKinley was very agreeable for a quick baby/pumpkin photo shoot :)

 Kennedy (almost 5) was very agreeable too - look at the huge pumpkin she picked out!

 Generally speaking Reagan (6 1/2 yrs old) is my photo pro :)
 I sure love these three sweet girls! Grammy was telling Reagan a couple of weeks ago that she was going to make a prediction that in 20 years she, Kennedy and I would be best friends (we asked about McKinley and Grammy said she might still be growing up lol). Anyway, last week Reagan came up to me and said "Mom, I think Grammy was wrong." I of course had no idea what she was talking about so I asked her what Grammy was wrong about. Reagan replied "I don't think it will take 20 years for all of us to be best friends. I think you, Kennedy, McKinley and I are already best friends." So sweet! I sure hope she feels that way 10 years from now in the middle of her teenage years! :)

Thank you for inviting us to the birthday party and thank you Grammy and Grand-Dad for all the assistance! Sorry we didn't get to go an orchard with Uncle Dan's family this fall though so we're looking forward to picking up that tradition again next fall! :)

The Gettysburg Address

Today is the 150th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Grand-Dad suggested some time ago that I should have the girls memorize it this year for that reason. Since they have good memories it seemed like a fun challenge. Kennedy's performance is actually a bit toned down from what it was at one point. You can kind of tell she's driving Reagan crazy as her reaction is not to make a single facial expression during the recitation. In anycase, especially during this month where we give thanks I'm extremely grateful for the tremendous leadership our country has had. I have read several books on Lincoln, my favorite being "With Malice Towards None," and he was quite the remarkable individual. Wish we had a few more politicians and leaders of his caliber around today! With no further adieu here are Reagan (6) and Kennedy (4) reciting Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


In preparation of some Classical Conversation experiments which covered refraction we did an experiment at home with water and a glow stick. We used the Usborne Science Encyclopedia (which is fabulous and I highly recommend) to understand refraction a bit better. The encyclopedia recommended an experiment with a straw and I thought a thick glow stick would work even better. You can see the light refraction by looking at the glass of water from all sides. Here is the description as provided by the encyclopedia "light rays bouncing off an object in water can make the objects look distorted. This is because the rays are refracted as they pass out of the water into the less dense air." It's difficult for me to explain, but according to the encyclopedia the glow stick "seems to bend in different ways. The unbroken lines in the diagram (sorry, shown in the encyclopedia) show the real path of the light rays looking from above. But the brain assumes they travel straight so it sees the end of the straw at x" which causes the distortion as seen below. Aren't science and the brain absolutely fascinating? I am so glad my girls enjoy experimenting and Reagan has a female role model in her teacher/tutor in Classical Conversations who is an engineer. Girls can do and understand science too! :)
 Both Reagan and Kennedy were a part of this experiment but I can't remember why I only captured pictures of Kennedy. I'm sure no one with kids can understand this, but sometimes you just have a child that is being more cooperative than the others... lol :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Waveland Park - Group Violin Lesson

For our first group violin lesson of the semester Miss Bethany had us meet at Waveland State Park. The kids enjoyed playing their violins outdoors and then having the opportunity to play with each other afterwards.

 Jackson brought his new kite from Uncle Van and Aunt Marta to try out.

 Looks like it was a hit! :) 

 Tim pretending to fall asleep mid swing. The kids loved this! lol :)
 Miss McKinley enjoyed her swing time too. :) 
 Every time we come here I think this little log house (complete with fireplace inside) is absolutely adorable! All the kids think its pretty cool too! :)
 Tim was such a good sport playing the part of the ogre for the kids.

 Sweet girls :)
Reagan said she would like all our practices to be at Waveland from now on! :)

Lockheed Company Party

One weekend in September Lockheed Martin, where Tim works, had a company party at Bluegrass Station which is just outside of Lexington. They had many forms of entertainment including numerous bounce houses and music as well as tons of ice cream treats, popcorn, cotton candy and the like and the also served a really good dinner. The kids had a fabulous time! Here they are in line and going through the obstacle course.

 Cotton Candy - Round 1
 Probably the biggest excitement for the day was the zip line. Neither of the girls had done it before and they both loved it! They both hoped right up and didn't have a moments hesitation jumping off and zipping down. :) Here they are getting ready for their first turn. 
 Getting suited up and ready to go
  Kennedy went first
 Quickly followed by Reagan

 After cotton candy, popcorn and some semi-nutritional dinner it was definitely time for an ice cream dessert! :) 
 After dinner and more bouncing the girls decided they would like to have another turn on the zip line
 The night ended with an incredible fireworks display which all four of the kids enjoyed 

 We're looking forward to the company picnic next year and hope they have the zip line again! :)