
Friday, January 31, 2014

Apple Gleaning with the Girl Scouts - October 2013

I have again fallen behind, but for once it's not entirely my fault! :) My computer has been on the decline for a while (getting progressively slower and next to impossible to use). It pretty much completely quit working a couple of weeks ago and after Tim spent several nights trying to figure out what was wrong we finally took it in this week. It turned out my hard drive was going bad. After replacing that it looks like we're back up and running! Time to make some progress posting pictures again! :)
I decided to begin with a quick and easy post regarding activities from last fall. One Saturday in October we headed out to a local orchard for Apple Gleaning. Gleaning basically means that the orchard allows us to come and pick any fruit from the ground (which they are not allowed to sell or use) and donate it to charity. Along with help from some Boy Scouts and parents we managed to glean 1100 pounds of apples for God's Food Pantry here in Lexington in just a couple of hours! It was such a great activity for the girls to participate in since it was something they could actually do to help others vs just asking for money. Here are the girls with a fellow Girl Scout and a load of apples ready to go back to the truck.
Thank you Grammy for coming along to help us glean apples!
Hard at work under the trees

Kennedy was a little more interested in the slugs and making sure they had food than collecting apples for the hungry. lol :)
Missy K getting back to work after finding the perfect apples for her slugs :)
I'm thinking this little apple tree is going to be an amazing producer someday. Look at all the apples on this little sapling!
Miss Reagan worked hard at finding good apples. She found what she considered the perfect, and most enormous apple ever, and asked if she could take it home. They gave her permission to take this one and it was delicious!
Thank you to our Daisy leader for arranging this outing. I am so thankful for the fabulous Girl Scout troop our girls are a part of!