
Monday, May 7, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Sunday afternoon we had an impromptu egg hunt with our neighbors and as well as their and our guests. Since we had attended two egg hunts already I hadn't planned to have one at our house. Easter morning Reagan informed me that the Easter Bunny should have left eggs for us to find. So, when our neighbor, Terry, invited us to join their egg hunt Grand-Dad and I quickly put together not quite 150 eggs so Reagan, Kennedy, Heidi and Holden could join in the fun (Jackson was taking his nap). It was alot of fun and I especially enjoyed watching Holden collect eggs in the dump truck. Too funny! :)
 Reagan finding a tricky egg
 Anytime we showed Kennedy where an egg was she refused to pick it up. We were just trying to help her since she and Holden were the youngest but I guess she considered that cheating. This girl is clearly related to her father... Anyhoo... she was sad when she got to the end and didn't have very many eggs. Grammy and I quickly put some together for her to find on our deck by herself. Here is Mr. Terry helping her find an egg hidden on the mirror of a car. I don't know if she was desperate to find an egg at this point or if it was just more acceptable for Mr. Terry to help her than Grammy and me. Who knows!?!? All I do know is she is one independent little nut!
 Megan, Reagan and Macey
 Aunt Dorothy and Holden checking out his dump truck full of eggs
 Everyone checking out their findings
 How cute are these two discussing their eggs?

 Love this beautiful picture of Miss Heidi!

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