
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Final Favorite Wisconsin Pictures

Here are a few final favorite pictures from our trip to Wisconsin. We had a wonderful time as always and I do love our big family and the opportunity to visit with everyone. It makes me look forward to seeing our family grow (even on days like this where my current three children are driving me a little crazy). :)
Anyone who knows Jackson knows he does not willingly or easily give up kisses. As a matter of fact I had never seen him give anyone a kiss until he randomly began bestowing them upon Great Grandma one evening. How precious is this picture of Jackson's first kiss???
 Three sweet girls

 Reagan and Kennedy posing on one of the tractors

 Super cool Uncle Scott and Kennedy sporting their sunglasses and riding bike

Thank you everyone for such a fun week and for making the effort to spend time with us during our visit! The kids had a wonderful time and loved having the opportunity to play with all their Carlson cousins, aunts, uncles and grandmas! Thanks again!

1 comment:

  1. I'll give her the ride of her life ;) grandma can watch while her babygirl screams in pleasure
