
Monday, April 29, 2013

Halloween 2012

Happy Halloween everyone! Even if it is 6 months late we hope you had a great one! :) We started our Halloween celebrations off with a couple of our Girl Scout friends at a local nursing home. The kids had a great time collecting candy and all the residents were so sweet and excited to see them!
After the nursing home we headed next door for the girl's gymnastics classes. While I couldn't get him in the pictures at the nursing home, Jackson agreed to smile for pictures with the promise of candy. I LOVE this duck costume, I think it's my favorite Halloween costume of all time! :)

 As per our tradition, Heidi and Holden joined us for Trick-Or-Treating around our neighborhood. Here's our happy crew ready to head out for candy! :)
 Jackson enjoying an early piece of candy - before leaving the house!
 Better watch out for these three beautiful red headed beauties!
 My not so cooperative picture taking munchkins
 Daddy taking off with his kiddos in the wagon
Something about this picture just seems so classic Halloween to me. Not sure what it is, but I really like this picture of this crew of cousins celebrating another Halloween together. :) 
 Reagan with two of our neighbor's kids
 Jackson checking out his loot
 We went to a neighbor's Halloween party for a bit (which I managed not to get a single picture of - no one who knows me will believe that!) and as per tradition we then headed over to the Hamlin's to trick-or-treat. Everyone enjoyed the girl's wigs including Uncle Barry who made the best Princess Merida of the night hands down! lol :)
Thanks to everyone who made Halloween so much fun! :)

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