
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ft. Boonesborough - Richmond, Kentucky

Labor Day weekend we headed back to Richmond, Kentucky, to visit Fort Boonesborough. It is a replica of a fort Daniel Boone founded. Here is a brief description provided online by Wikipedia "Fort Boonesborough was a frontier fort in Kentucky, founded by Daniel Boone and his men following their crossing of the Kentucky River on April 1, 1775. The settlement they founded, known as Boonesborough, Kentucky, is Kentucky's second oldest European-American settlement. The first form of representative government in Kentucky was held here in May of 1775. By that summer, Boonesborough consisted of 26 one-story log cabins and four blockhouses.[1]"
You can also find more information through the KY State Park site:
Here is our crew (minus Grand-Dad - taking the picture) in front of one of the cabins.
 We enjoyed watching the Blacksmith work. It was also really neat because he let all the kids help him with the billows for his fire.

 There were numerous shops setup to watch different trades. The most informative and interesting was the wood working. We learned you had 36 months to establish your claim which consisted of clearing a minimum of 30 acres of land (it would take approximately a month to clear 1 acre) and build a house of a certain size (I can't remember the exact dimensions now) that was at least as tall as the shortest man helping could lift the logs. Here he is demonstrating how to make a spoon.

 We also saw a demonstration on spinning wool and flax.
 Grammy purchased a pistol for Jackson.
 The girls preferred parasols to pistols. :)
 Daddy carrying a new parasol
 Miss McKinley hanging out with Grammy
 This was the teeniest tiniest snake ever! I have to say it was pretty cute, especially as far as snakes go! :)
We enjoyed our visit to Fort Boonesbourgh and the opportunity to learn about pioneer times. It is pretty mind blowing how hard life would have been. I have to say I quite honestly cannot imagine it! Thank you Grammy and Grand-Dad for the fun day!

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