Saturday, September 14, 2013

Deck Work - Summer 2013

This summer Grand-Dad spent more than a week helping Tim (and the kids) cleaning, repairing and re-staining/painting the deck. This needed to be done so badly and we have a large enough deck I don't know when we would have ever gotten it done on our own. We would have had to hire a professional. Grand-Dad did such a fabulous job and saved us so much money! We can't say how appreciative we are of all his hard work! What a gift!

 This picture of the deck shows all three stages of work on the deck. The left is what it looked like before anything was done. The right is after the deck had been power washed and the railing is the completed painted/stain. What a difference!
 A beautiful and completed deck!
 As well as the deck our backdoor needed a bit of work. It didn't look quite this bad to begin with, but this is how it looked after Grand-Dad cleaned it out in order to begin his repairs. I couldn't believe how bad it was! I was even more amazed at how he was able to repair it! He worked so hard and did such an incredible job for us! 
  Several of our windows along the back of our house needed work as well. Again this is what it looked like after Grand-dad cleaned out the rotten and previously patched work.
 After Grand-Dad worked his magic
Thank you Grand-Dad! You did a beyond amazing job and we appreciated it more than we can tell you!!! What would we do without you?!?!?


  1. He really did a great job at it! He definitely saved you time and money by doing it himself. The re-stained deck really looks nice, not to mention spacious. How I wish we had that big of a space for our deck. Cheers!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It’s a good thing they noticed the wood rot and patched them up. Hopefully the new sealant will prevent that from happening again anytime soon. And just imagine how much work it would’ve been if you had to do all of that deck painting all by yourself! You were right to think that hiring a professional would’ve been the only alternative solution.

