
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cousins in the Snow - January 2014

The winter of 2014 was super fun with an above average amount of snow for Kentucky. It makes me realize I should really live further north! :) Heidi and Holden came to play in the snow with us one day they had off school and as you can see a pretty good time was had by all! :)

 Trying to walk back up the ice on the driveway
 The boys had at least as much fun (if not more) shoveling with these child size snow shovels from Aunt Arla vs sledding.

 This is probably my favorite picture of the day - what two cute cousins! :) 
 The girls trying their hand at snowboarding with our wonderful neighbors

I had to include this one sweet picture of McKinley all dressed up and ready to head outside to enjoy her first snow. This was actually a different day (our first snow was in November), but it was just too sweet not to include somewhere! Poor baby was all tuckered out from getting all dressed out and never actually managed to make it outside to enjoy the snow. lol :)
I also wanted to include this video Grand-Dad took of another fun snow day in January:
Sure hope next winter we get as much wonderful snow to play in as we did this year! :)

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