
Thursday, August 7, 2014

December 2013 Videos of my Munchkins

This post is primarily for me and probably of little interest to anyone else. Grand-Dad took several vidoes upon my request in December and I'm posting my favorite videos so they are easier for me to locate. :) . Some of them are a bit long, but as a mom I just love to listen to these sweet little voices. It's amazing to me how much older they already sound 8 months later! I sure am glad we have the ability to capture these sweet little voices! :)
McKinley and Grand-Dad checking out the Cuckoo Clock - this has been there thing for a long time and it amazes me that she never gets tired of Grand-Dad showing it to her. :)
McKinley singing and cooing - such a precious baby voice :)
Here is Jackson singing his ABCs - after a few false starts...
I love this little munchkin voice and all her antics reciting part of "The Night Before Christmas"
Reagan playing "Away in the Manger" duet with her violin instructor

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