Sunday, August 25, 2013

VBS 2013

The kids participated in our church's VBS program again this summer in June. Our good friends Maddie and Travis joined them to experience the Veggie Tale themed week. Here they are singing during the Friday evening closing.
Our pastor's sweet girls
   After the program ended, the kids could purchase Cool Whip pies to throw in their favorite teacher's faces in support of Salvation Army and the "LemonAid" stand our youth group had set up each night throughout the week before and after VBS.
 Travis wasn't sure if he should waste the Cool Whip by throwing the pie in someone's face or just enjoy the treat himself. lol :)
Guess the opportunity was too irresistible...
 Miss Reagan had no doubt about whether or not she wanted to throw the pie or eat it! :) 

 Maddie enjoyed the opportunity as well 
 Reagan enjoyed this multiple times
 and helped Missy K too since she was a little bit nervous about doing this
 After the pie throwing was finished the water balloon fight began! 

 Missy K got a little wet! lol :)
 Maddie decided she didn't want to get soaked and quickly hit the sidelines and watched the action. She cracked me up by wanting to make sure I took a picture of the spot on her shorts that was wet. lol :)
 Four cute kiddos enjoying a final lemony snack from the "LemonAid" stand
Thanks for everyone who worked on this week at St. John's! :)