Thursday, September 4, 2014

Aunt Arla and Uncle Scott Visit - March 2014

Somehow I have gone and lost my external hard drive again! Sometimes I really drive myself crazy!!! :P This time I'm really flummoxed because after the last time I decided I was going to make a conscience effort not to move my computer around the house so I wouldn't lose it again... I haven't moved the computer and somehow the external hard drive is gone... Oh sigh... In any case that is why my posts slowed down again. That said, tonight I realized I had sorted through and resized more pictures than I previously realized so I can at least do a couple more posts! :) If I haven't found my external hard drive by the time I finish with these posts, I guess I'll just post things out of order vs getting so far behind again. I really do want to get caught up so I can start posting about our school year again and not only our social activities.
While Aunt Arla and Uncle Scott were visiting last spring they gave Reagan her birthday present, a new bike! 
 Silly Jackson on the girl's small tricycle :) 
 Kennedy was working hard to learn how to ride her bike without training wheels.

 Wish we had this effort on video. Aunt Arla and I were laughing so hard we were crying. Uncle Scott was running behind Kennedy when she dumped over. He literally flew up and over her landing on the other side of her bike. lol :)
 Scraped up hands on both accounts...
 Kennedy rescuing our little escapee who was headed for the street.
 I sure do love this baby! :)

 Since Uncle Scott and Aunt Arla gave Reagan an early birthday present we decided to celebrate with a Minion cookie cake. Reagan decided 7 is old enough to light your own candles.

  She also decided it's old enough to cut the cake
 One chocolaty baby! :)
 Reagan showing off her biceps - this girl has muscles!
 Aunt Arla gave the kids these three creatures that grow in water. I don't know what brand they were, but they were the best we've ever had. They grew to at least twice the size pictured here. They were enormous!!!
Thank you for visiting and supporting our activities Aunt Arla and Uncle Scott! We love you and appreciate all you do for us! :)


  1. She definitely wouldn't need a helmet if she rode me. Ride em cowgirl! ;)

    1. imagine yourcock slipping into her mmmmmmm
